Green Spaces
Green Spaces
You'll find details here of our local outdoor places and the activities which take place there
The Green Team
In beautiful West Park, Goole, we provide volunteering opportunities, work experience placements, training and learning, or opportunities to skill share with our:
- Garden Maintenance Team; providing a gardening service for the elderly and disabled
- Community Garden Centre; growing and selling plants to raise funds for the charity
- Allotment; growing fruit and vegetables
- Community Café
Friends of West Park
Volunteer led, not for profit group facilitating events, promoting West Park Goole for the benefit of the wider community.
Groundwork Yorkshire
At Groundwork Yorkshire we are passionate about creating a future where every neighbourhood is vibrant and green and able to shape its own destiny, where every community is strong and no-one is held back by their background or circumstances. As part of the Groundwork Federation we celebrate our 40th anniversary in 2023 and while much has changed many of the issues we have been wrestling with remain; restoring pride of place and a sense of community, tackling climate change, working with unemployed people to improve their life chances or supporting individuals and communities with the multiple challenges of the current cost of living crisis
Friends of Oakhill Goole
Friends of Oakhill Goole CIO are a group of volunteers and registered charity, dedicated to maintaining and enhancing the Oakhill Nature Reserve, for wildlife and people